Soham Bhatia

Soham’s research field was Global Studies, Sociology, and Innovation. The title of his thesis was “An Examination of Indian Entrepreneurs: From New Delhi to Silicon Valley”. He studied abroad in Cuba in December 2017 and did a cross-cultural comparison of Cuban and Cuban American entrepreneurs. He is currently employed as a Business Development Specialist at itLab in Oakland, CA, and is the Co-Founder of SocratIQ.
Chorkin Chau

As an ISF major, Chorkin combined her interests in public health, psychology, anthropology, human rights and gender studies. She wrote her thesis Legacies of Gender-based Violence in Cambodia, which was later published in the Berkeley Student Journal of Asian Studies. During her undergraduate career, she was the director of Project Pueblo, a student-led nonprofit organization that assisted in various projects with local partners in the Navajo Nation. After graduating in 2017, she co-founded an international NGO that aimed to highlight and document indigenous womens access to health in Guatemala. Chorkin […]
Bonnie Cherry

Before attending UC Berkeley, Bonnie amassed 10 years of nonprofit/grant writing experience working for Native American cultural and resource centers. As a Cal student, her research focus was on Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, where she attained highest honors in the ISF major and won the department citation. Her other accolades include the Center for Race and Gender Independent Research Grant, the Interational Area Studies Research Grant, and the Judith Lee Stronach Re-entry Prize for Prose. Bonnie will be attending the Joint JD/Jurisprudence and Social Policy Ph.D. Program at Berkeley […]
Maleah Fekete

Maleah is a spring 2017 graduate who has been accepted to the Sociology Ph.D. program at Harvard University. The title of her thesis is “Leisure Motivations: Romance Reading in 1984 and Today”. Her list of awards include the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) and the Institute of International Studies Junior Scholarship. She participated in the Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP) with Professor Winne Wong and conducted independent research with Professor Niklaus Lagier. For Maleah: “Choosing to major in ISF has been one of the best decision of my undergraduate experience. […]
Neil Shankar

Neil completed his B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies and Minor in Computer Science with the Class of 2017. With a concentration in Human-Computer Interaction, Neil took courses including CS 160: “User Interface Design and Development,” UGBA 190T: “Collaborative Innovation,” CS 184: “Foundations of Computer Graphics,” CS 168: “Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols,” and Cog Sci C126: “Perception in Cognitive Science.” His ISF thesis, titled “Evaluating Compliance with User Interface Accessibility Standards in the United States,” explored various interpretations of federal regulations and industry best practices on digital accessibility, and the resulting […]
Nikkil Sudharsanan

After graduating in 2010, Nikkil enrolled in a Master’s of Public Health program at Emory University. While at Emory, he worked on two main projects; the first examined chronic disease and migration in urban India, and the second examined the relationship between population aging, macroeconomic changes, and global diabetes prevalence. He is currently a PhD student in Demography at the University of Pennsylvania, where his research interests are in measuring the contribution of early childhood health, education, and health behaviors to adult morbidity and mortality. Nikkils research area was Technology, […]
Tiffany Ellen Yang

Tiffany graduated in spring 2018. Tiffany has been accepted to the Masters in East Asian Studies graduate program at Stanford University for fall 2018. The title of her thesis was Political Symbols in Northeast Asia:Analyzing the Media Portrayal of Symbolic Disputes Between China, Japan and South Korea from 2012-2013. She won many awards and distinctions during her tenure at Berkeley, including: Fiat Lux (formerly Incentive Awards Program) Scholar from August 2014 May 2018. Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Berkeley Study Abroad Scholarship Santander Scholarship Phi Beta Kappa Member Tiffany also […]
Andrea Miller
Andrea Miller graduated in May 2017. Her focus areas were Public Health, Latin American Studies and Development Studies. Andrea spent 2 years as a Peace Corps Volunteer working in the western highlands of Guatemala. Regarding her assignment, Andrea states “It truly has been a privilege to live and work there for the last two years. It has made me so passionate about international development, social inequality and good sustainable practices which can be challenging at times, but I think it is worth it.” Check out a video testimonial of her PCV […]