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Amm Quamruzzaman

PhD, McGill

Office Hours

Spring 2025

Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am-1:30pm & by appointment in 275 Evans Hall.

Amm Quamruzzaman

I teach interdisciplinary research methods, introduction to social theory and cultural analysis, health and development, and the globalization of rights, values and laws in the 21st century. I also supervise Senior Thesis research, a capstone experience and final product of our ISF major students. I have received my MA in sociology from Queen’s University in Canada and PhD in sociology from McGill University. At McGill, I taught research methods, introductory sociology, sociology of culture, health and development, development and underdevelopment, technology and society, social movements, and identity and inequality. My research interests include comparative health policy analysis, healthcare migration, degrowth, deglobalization and climate change, social movements, (in)security, social inequality, identity politics, and governance. I have expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research methods.


I facilitate learning by asking simple but interesting questions that engage students in the subject matter and encourage them to think critically. I present different perspectives on a single topic and ask if they see any bias or problem with a perspective. An important element of my teaching is to relate theoretical arguments to empirical evidence. As an empirical sociologist, I suggest students keep an eye on data when they try to advance an argument. As a teacher, I value inclusion and diversity and strive to illuminate the lives of my students. I try to prepare them for the current job market. I supervise their research projects and encourage them to publish their research findings in scholarly journals to advance knowledge and career. I also like to involve them in my own research projects.

Courses taught

  • ISF 100A: Introduction to Social Theory and Cultural Analysis
  • ISF 100E: The Globalization of Rights, Values, and Laws in the 21st Century
  • ISF 100K: Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness (formerly “Health and Development”)
  • ISF 189: Interdisciplinary Research Methods
  • ISF 190: Senior Thesis



Quamruzzaman, Amm. 2010. The Militia Movement in Bangladesh: Ideology, Motivation, Mobilization, Organization, and Ritual. Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.

Quamruzzaman, Amm and UK Committee for UNICEF. 2006. Project Chittagong Hill Tracts: Field Notes. UK: UNICEF.


Journal articles

Quamruzzaman, Amm. 2020. “Exploring the Impact of Medical Brain Drain on Child Health in 188 Countries over 2000-2015.” Societies 10(4): 73;

Sachetti, Florencia Caro, Amm Quamruzzaman et al. 2020. “Women in Global Care Chains: The Need to Tackle Intersecting Inequalities in G20 Countries.” T20 Policy Brief;

Michaelowa, Axel, Amm Quamruzzaman et al. 2020. “Ensuring that Covid-19 Recovery Policies Support the Transformation to a Climate Neutral Society.” T20 Policy Brief;

Quamruzzaman, Amm. 2017. “Governance of Infrastructure Provisioning and Healthcare Services for Enhancing Health Service Utilization.” Sociological Insights for Development Policy 2(5): 1-2;

Quamruzzaman, Amm. 2017. “Infrastructure Provisioning and Health Service Utilization in Africa: Does Governance Explain the Gap?” Sociology of Development 3(1): 47-69;

Quamruzzaman, Amm and Matthew Lange. 2016. “Female Political Representation and Child Health: Evidence from a Multilevel Analysis.” Social Science & Medicine 171: 48-57;

Quamruzzaman, Amm. 2015. “Rituals of Violence in Armed Movements: Evidence from Bangladesh.” McGill Sociological Review 5(July): 43-56;

Quamruzzaman, Amm, José Mendoza Rodríguez, Jody Heymann, Jay Kaufman, and Arijit Nandi. 2014. “Are Tuition-Free Primary Education Policies Associated with Lower Infant and Neonatal Mortality in Low- and Middle-Income Countries?” Social Science & Medicine 120: 153-159;

Quamruzzaman, Amm. 2013. “The Pursuit of Happiness: An Analysis of Aggregate Difference in the Distribution of Happiness in the United States.” McGill Sociological Review 3(February): 55-72;

Quamruzzaman, Amm. 2010. “The Militia Ideology in Bangladesh.” SSRN Journal; DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.1569796.

Quamruzzaman, Amm. 2009. “Graveyards and Urbanization: The Case of Dhaka City.” SSRN Journal;


Book review

Quamruzzaman, Amm. 2013. Book Review of “Islamist Terrorism and Democracy in the Middle East,” McGill Sociological Review 3(February): 95-97;

Working papers

Quamruzzaman, Amm. “Economic Growth or Good Governance: Which is More Important in Reducing Poverty and Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa?”

Endres, Philine and Amm Quamruzzaman. “Primary Care Deserts: The Effect of Primary Care Physician Shortages on Health in California.”

Quamruzzaman, Amm. “Equity and Health Implications of the International Migration of Healthcare Professionals in 20 Resource-Poor Countries.”

Lange, Matthew, Emre Amasyali, and Amm Quamruzzaman. “The Legacies of an Empire Divided: British Colonialism, Precolonial Institutions, and Nation-Building.”

Lange, Matthew and Amm Quamruzzaman. “Explaining National and Ethnic Identification in Sub-Saharan Africa.”


Conference papers

2019   “Healthcare Migration and Child Health in the Sending Society: A Multilevel Analysis.” Presented in the Canadian-Australian Health Sociology Conference, Vancouver, BC.

2018   “British Colonialism and Nationalist Violence: Integrating Colonial and Precolonial Explanations.” Co-presented in the American Sociological Association annual conference, Philadelphia, PA.

2017   “The Impact of the International Migration of Doctors on the Sending Society.” Presented in the workshop on Global Migration, Gender and Professional Credentials: Transnational Value Transfers and Losses, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario.

2016   “Ethical Dilemma Concerning the Migration of Health Professionals.” Presented in the International Sociological Association’s International Conference: Migration in Turbulent World, Doha, Qatar.

2015   “Governance for Health: Infrastructural Power and Healthcare Service Delivery and Utilization in Africa.” Presented in the American Sociological Association annual conference, Chicago, Illinois.

2015   “Economic Growth or Good Governance: Which is More Important in Reducing Poverty and Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa?” Presented in the Canadian Sociological Association annual conference, Ottawa, Ontario.

2015   “Female Political Representation and Child Health: Exploring a Causal Link.” Presented (with co-author Matthew Lange) in the 4th annual conference of the ASA Sociology of Development section, Providence, Rhode Island.

2015   “African Governance for Health: How does Infrastructural Power Affect Healthcare and Public Health Service Delivery and Utilization?” Presented in the Sociology Graduate Publication Workshop at McGill University, Montreal.

2010   “Why shall I not resist? The Militia Motivation in Bangladesh.” Presented in the Sociology Graduate Student Symposium at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.

2010   “The Militia Ideology in Bangladesh.” Presented in the History across Disciplines workshop at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

2009   “Graveyards and Urbanization: The Case of Dhaka City.” Presented in the Sociology Graduate Student Symposium at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.


Invited talks

2016   “Barriers to Health Access: Structural or Infrastructural?” A talk given in the seminar organized by McGill Students’ Chapter of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM), McGill University, Montreal.

2015   “Women in Politics and Women’s Access to Healthcare.” A talk given in the panel on “Women’s Access to Healthcare: Policies and Issues,” hosted by the McGill chapters of the Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children (FIMRC) and of the Student Association for Medical Aid (SAMA), McGill University, Montreal.

2014   “Governance for Health in the Global South.” A talk given in the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Equity Committee’s annual conference, Montreal.



2017   Fonds Québec de recherche société et culture (FQRSC) postdoctoral fellowship on “When Emigration Hurts: Exploring the Impact of International Health-Professional Migration on Health Service Delivery.” Declined due to accepting another full-time appointment.

2016   Arts Undergraduate Society Teaching Excellence Award nomination, McGill University.

2015   Samuel Lapitsky Scholarship for outstanding academic performance, McGill University.

2015   Best Graduate Student Paper Award in the Sociology of Development Research Cluster of the Canadian Sociological Association for “Economic Growth or Good Governance: Which is More Important in Reducing Poverty and Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa?”

2014   Fonds Québec de recherche société et culture (FQRSC) doctoral scholarship, for two and a half years.

2013   Doctoral Fellowship for the CIHR-funded project: “Examining the Effects of Social Policy on Health Equity,” Institute for Health and Social Policy, McGill University, for two years.

2012   Samuel Lapitsky Scholarship for outstanding academic performance, McGill University.

2012   Arts Graduate Student Travel Award, McGill University.

2008   Queen’s Graduate Award, Queen’s University, for two years.

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