As an ISF major, Chorkin combined her interests in public health, psychology, anthropology, human rights and gender studies. She wrote her thesis Legacies of Gender-based Violence in Cambodia, which was later published in the Berkeley Student Journal of Asian Studies. During her undergraduate career, she was the director of Project Pueblo, a student-led nonprofit organization that assisted in various projects with local partners in the Navajo Nation.
After graduating in 2017, she co-founded an international NGO that aimed to highlight and document indigenous womens access to health in Guatemala. Chorkin then returned to her home country, Cambodia, and worked on a number of projects including assisting in data collection for a Tuberculosis treatment study, gathering photos and video testimonies, and providing interpretation services for visiting medical doctors at a local community health center. Upon her return to the Bay Area, she helped manage her familys business, The Fruit Tree, providing the community with organic green smoothies!
She will continue her studies at the School of Public Health at the University of Washington and focus on mental health care delivery systems in low-resourced settings.