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Session A 6 weeks, May 27 – July 3

  • ISF 100I: Consumer Society and Culture
    • Taught by Prof. Rakesh Bhandari

Session D 6 weeks, July 7 – August 15

  • ISF 100E Lec 001:  Globalization of Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws (IN-PERSON)
    • Taught by Prof. Amm Quamruzzaman
  • ISF 100E Lec 002: Globalization of Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws (ONLINE)
    • Taught by Prof. Amm Quamruzzaman
  • ISF 100B: Interdisciplinary Theories of the Self and Identity (SUMMER 2025: Politics and Passions: Managing Emotion in Western Culture and History) 
    • Taught by Prof. Matthew Specter
    • SUMMER 2025: Emotions are not the opposite of thought, nor of rationality, we have learned from the latest research in psychology. Sociologists, political scientists and historians have recently developed critical tools for studying the importance of emotions for explaining major social and cultural changes. Through examples from modern Western history and the present day, this course examines how selves learn to navigate emotions, tame or excise the dangerous ones, and steer them into socially acceptable forms of public and private life. These forms include: liberal democratic citizenship, the corporate workplace, nationalist and populist politics in Europe and the US, international diplomacy, the humanitarianism of international NGOs, and contemporary trends in music and popular culture.
  • ISF 100A: Introduction to Social Theory and Cultural Analysis
  • ISF 100D: Introduction to Technology, Society, and Culture
  • ISF 100I: Consumer Society and Culture
  • ISF 100J: The Social Life of Computing
  • ISF 100K: Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness (formerly Health and Development)
  • ISF 189: Interdisciplinary Research Methods
  • ISF 190: Senior Thesis

Session A 6 weeks, May 20-June 28

  • ISF 100A: Introduction to Social Theory and Cultural Analysis
  • ISF 100D: Introduction to Technology, Society, and Culture

Session D 6 weeks, July 1- August 9

  • ISF 60: Technology and Values (3 units)
  • ISF 100A: Introduction to Social Theory and Cultural Analysis (4 units)
  • ISF 100C: Language and Identity (4 units)
  • ISF 100F: Theorizing Modern Capitalism: Controversies and Interpretations (4 units)
  • ISF C100G: Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society (4 units)
  • ISF 189: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research Methods (4 units)
  • ISF 190: Senior Thesis  (4 units)

Session A

  • ISF 100A: Introduction to Social Theory and Cultural Analysis (4 units)
  • ISF 100B: Interdisciplinary Theories of the Self and Identity (4 units)
  • ISF 100D: Introduction to Technology, Society, and Culture (4 units)